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How Have Regulations Affected You? Take Our Survey

May 25, 2018
President Trump promised to roll back regulations. How's he doing?

One of President Donald Trump’s campaign promises during the 2016 presidential campaign was to cut business regulations by 75%, to levels seen not since 1960.

Within days after he took office, Trump signed an executive order stipulating that for every regulation introduced, federal agencies would have to repeal two.

Now that the order has been in effect for a good 16 months, IndustryWeek wants to know whether changes in regulations since Trump took office have had any effect on your manufacturing business. These include but are not limited to labor, environment, and financial regulations.

We may use the results in an upcoming article on Trump’s regulatory rollback. Your answers will be anonymous, and we will not use any of your information for sales or marketing purposes.

Take the survey

About the Author

Laura Putre | Senior Editor, IndustryWeek

I work with IndustryWeek's contributors and report on leadership and the automotive industry as they relate to manufacturing. Got a story idea? Reach out to me at [email protected]


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