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State of the Market: Transforming Manufacturing Customer Operations

May 28, 2024
Download this research report to learn more about customer operation challenges confronting today’s manufacturing sector.

Discover how patchworked, siloed systems are hampering manufacturing efficiency and revenue growth. Our latest report delves into the critical challenges manufacturers face and presents cutting-edge digital solutions designed to streamline operations and enhance customer experiences.

Traditional sales, order management, and customer service systems often lead to revenue leakage and operational inefficiencies. These issues can result in order delays, inefficient product issue resolution, and a poor customer and dealer experience. This report investigates these problems and explores how comprehensive digital solutions can transform the customer experience.

In this report you'll find: 

  • In-Depth Analysis: Understand the high costs of order delays and operational inefficiencies.
  • Strategic Insights: Learn how automation can transform customer operations.
  • Innovative Solutions: Discover ServiceNow's platform tailored for the manufacturing industry.

Download it here to learn more! 

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