Thinking About Higher Interest Rates and Lower Taxes

March 22, 2013
It would be great if the US came to the realization that lower taxes are good for economic growth.

Investors both near and far appear to be hedging with the belief that US interest rates will soon be moving higher.  This outlook is based on the belief that the Federal Reserve Board will edge off the quantitative easing throttle based on the strength of the US economy.  The market is beginning to signal what we have been telling people for some time now – borrow now while the borrowing is good.  Some expect a sharp increase in market rates once the Federal Reserve Board stops keeping rates artificially low.  We do not expect a dramatic rise in interest rates, but why wait to find out?

I am in Northern Ireland now.  The UK is all-abuzz over the new budget proposed by Chancellor Osborne.  I have just a few quick thoughts to share with you.  The debate over austerity versus borrow and spend stimulus is raging.  So far austerity is winning but the borrow/spend crowd is growing in volume.  The UK is on the right path in terms of reducing their exposure to the debt crisis with debt to GDP of 63.1% (we are at 123.8%).

There seems to be wide recognition that the top marginal personal tax rate needs to come down to attract businesses that pay well.  There also appears to be a general recognition that corporate tax rates need to come down to attract foreign direct investment and to help businesses prosper.  It would be great if we in the US could come to the same realization that lower taxes are good for economic growth.

About the Author

Alan Beaulieu Blog | President

One of the country’s most informed economists, Alan Beaulieu is a principal of the ITR Economics where he serves as President. ITR predicts future economic trends with 94.7% accuracy rate and 60 years of correct calls. In his keynotes, Alan delivers clear, comprehensive action plans and tools for capitalizing on business cycle fluctuations and outperforming your competition--whether the economy is moving up, down, or in a recession.

Since 1990, he has been consulting with companies throughout the US, Europe, and Asia on how to forecast, plan, and increase their profits based on business cycle trend analysis. Alan is also the Senior Economic Advisor to NAW, Contributing Editor for INDUSTRYWEEK, and the Chief Economist for HARDI.

Alan is co-author, along with his brother Brian, of the book MAKE YOUR MOVE, and has written numerous articles on economic analysis. He makes up to 150 appearances each year, and his keynotes and seminars have helped thousands of business owners and executives capitalize on emerging trends. 

Prior to joining ITR Economics, Alan was a principal in a steel fabrication company and also in a software development company.

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