France Loses AAA Credit Rating. What Does that Mean for US?

Nov. 21, 2012
The non-reaction to France’s loss of a AAA credit rating bodes well for the U.S.

France recently lost its AAA credit rating as Moody’s Investor Services lowered the country’s credit rating based on what they said was a worsening economic outlook. The yield on France’s 10-year bonds climbed eight basis points. The downgrade did not set off a panic of any kind anywhere.  Greek, Spanish and Italy bonds are all quiet, as are US and German bonds. There was no flight from France to other markets, nor was there a running away from France.

I bring this up because many people seem convinced that the U.S. will suffer greatly if the U.S. loses its AAA credit rating from Moody’s. The lesson from France is that it might cost us a few basis points, but that is about it. No cataclysmic fall out, no dumping of Treasuries, no difficulty selling bonds. The media may exaggerate the fear and talk ad nauseam about how bad this would be, but history and France suggest that it is a fairly minor event. 

About the Author

Alan Beaulieu Blog | President

One of the country’s most informed economists, Alan Beaulieu is a principal of the ITR Economics where he serves as President. ITR predicts future economic trends with 94.7% accuracy rate and 60 years of correct calls. In his keynotes, Alan delivers clear, comprehensive action plans and tools for capitalizing on business cycle fluctuations and outperforming your competition--whether the economy is moving up, down, or in a recession.

Since 1990, he has been consulting with companies throughout the US, Europe, and Asia on how to forecast, plan, and increase their profits based on business cycle trend analysis. Alan is also the Senior Economic Advisor to NAW, Contributing Editor for INDUSTRYWEEK, and the Chief Economist for HARDI.

Alan is co-author, along with his brother Brian, of the book MAKE YOUR MOVE, and has written numerous articles on economic analysis. He makes up to 150 appearances each year, and his keynotes and seminars have helped thousands of business owners and executives capitalize on emerging trends. 

Prior to joining ITR Economics, Alan was a principal in a steel fabrication company and also in a software development company.

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