Compiled By Deborah Austin To help middle processors of roll goods -- and their upstream manufacturers -- determine optimal size for master coils and rolls of products such as steel, paper or plastic film, Strategic Systems International Ltd. has ...
Compiled ByDeborah Austin To help middle processors of roll goods -- and their upstream manufacturers -- determine optimal size for master coils and rolls of products such as steel, paper or plastic film, Strategic Systems International Ltd. has launched the new reverse-trim software product SmartTRIM RT. SmartTRIM is a trim optimization, slitter scheduling and trim-history system that analyzes order specifications and evaluates trimming solutions to minimize waste. SmartTRIM RT adds analysis of customer purchasing history, determining best sizes of coils and rolls to be procured by processors. Also, roll goods managers can use the data analysis to decide best manufacturing sizes to benefit downstream trimming or slitting, thus extending optimization in the supply chain. Strategic Systems, Evanston, Ill., provides supply-chain optimization software for process manufacturing and publishing companies.