Outsourcing increasingly is being used and accepted by corporate America, says The Corbett Group, which recently conducted a survey of more than 200 of the largest U.S. companies. The New York-based firm polled attendees at the recent Outsourcing World ...
Outsourcing increasingly is being used and accepted by corporate America, says The Corbett Group, which recently conducted a survey of more than 200 of the largest U.S. companies. The New York-based firm polled attendees at the recent Outsourcing World Summit and found that outsourcing is being used as a tool to redefine markets, focus on core competencies, and reduce operating costs. Ninety-seven percent of the respondents said that their companies increased spending on outsourcing last year. Almost 78% said that business-process outsourcing is an increasingly important management tool in their companies, with the vast majority correlating business-process outsourcing with increased shareholder value. "Outsourcing is adding to shareholder value in ways that are smashing the conventional notion of the business and management model," says Michael F. Corbett, who chaired the Outsourcing World Summit. "Business change is about learning how to operate in a virtual business world, and outsourcing is the tool to get you there."