China's government is working hard to stop inbound smuggling of PCs and related components -- and the effort's paying off, says a survey published in December. The monthly statistical study China's PC Pulse shows 67% of PC distributors surveyed across China saw October sales "far above" the previous month -- while 60% reported inventories also far above. Meanwhile the average selling price of PCs in China has climbed 10% from August to October, estimates Cupertino, Calif.-based Advanced Forecasting-HuiCong (AFHC), which publishes the survey. These simultaneous jumps show the inflow of inexpensive smuggled PCs has been reduced substantially, says AFHC. The Chinese government has pressed to halt smuggling of PCs and other consumer electronics because it poses unfair competition to domestic manufacturers. AFHC is a joint venture of Silicon Valley-based Advanced Forecasting and HuiCong, China's largest high-tech market research and advertising group. For more on AFHC surveys call 408/725-2964 or e-mail [email protected].