A more effective national standards strategy is the focus of a summit that will be co-hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the American National Standards Institute. Discussions will cover issues surrounding the development, ...
A more effective national standards strategy is the focus of a summit that will be co-hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the American National Standards Institute. Discussions will cover issues surrounding the development, support, and use of national and international standards that significantly affect U.S. manufacturers and exporters. Three roundtables will address:
Identifying U.S. needs for domestic, regional, and international standardization.
Ensuring that standards reflect the state of technology and that global standards contain U.S. contributions.
Funding the standards development and dissemination process.
The summit, Toward a National Standards Strategy to Meet Global Needs, is scheduled for Sept. 23, World Standards Day, at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center in Washington, D. C. Cost: $185. For more information call 301-975-2776.