An effort to revive the classic Indian Motorcycle brand came to an end in September 2003 when Gilroy, Calif.-based Indian Motorcycle Corp. ceased production and laid off its employees, citing high production costs as the reason for its shutdown. Now ...
An effort to revive the classic Indian Motorcycle brand came to an end in September 2003 when Gilroy, Calif.-based Indian Motorcycle Corp. ceased production and laid off its employees, citing high production costs as the reason for its shutdown. Now the remaining piece of the former Indian Motorcycle -- its intellectual property -- is slated to be sold at auction on June 29. CMA Business Credit Services of Burbank, Calif., will conduct the event. Prior to the 1999, when Indian Motorcycle production resumed under new ownership, the brand had been out of business since ceasing production in 1953. To learn more about the bid process, go online to