Collaborate with customers, suppliers, and internal designers in real time with Web-enabled OneSpace from CoCreate Software Co., a subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard Co., Fort Collins, Colo. Designed to enhance communication and speed project turnaround, this shared-engineering solution is CAD-neutral, operating on top of most 3-D CAD solid-modeling environments. The system allows distributed CAD-using team members from multiple disciplines to share information and simultaneously work on and modify a master 3-D solid model in virtual space. "Although they are located at different sites, our design and manufacturing engineers are sharing ideas as if they were in the same room," says Dennis Oddsen, vice president of engineering of OneSpace-user Leviton Manufacturing, Little Neck, N.Y. "As a result of this clear communication, we expect to be able to reduce travel time and costs by 30% for design review meetings."