Purchasing experts will share their wisdom Nov. 1-3 in New York City at "The 2004 Purchasing Conference: Optimizing Supply Through E-Sourcing," a two-day event sponsored by The Conference Board research organization. The conference will address topics ...
Purchasing experts will share their wisdom Nov. 1-3 in New York City at "The 2004 Purchasing Conference: Optimizing Supply Through E-Sourcing," a two-day event sponsored by The Conference Board research organization. The conference will address topics such as supplier monitoring, leveraging technology to enhance procurement, the new chief procurement officer, and emerging trends in e-sourcing. Scheduled speakers include Dennis L. Begg, associate director, purchasing innovation, Procter & Gamble Co.; R. David Nelson, vice president of global supply management, Delphi Corp.; and Farryn Melton, vice president, chief procurement officer, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. To obtain further details about the event or to register, go online to www.conference-board.org/conferences/conference.cfm?id=730.