More than 75% of European business leaders uses mobile telephones and desktop PCs, but only 40% use the Internet. What's more, while 75% of their companies have Web sites, more than half--57%--consider such sites unimportant for marketing activities. ...
More than 75% of European business leaders uses mobile telephones and desktop PCs, but only 40% use the Internet. What's more, while 75% of their companies have Web sites, more than half--57%--consider such sites unimportant for marketing activities.
Interestingly, 78% do not conduct electronic commerce. The most active countries for electronic commerce: Belgium, the United Kingdom and Netherlands, where between 26% to 34% of the companies use electronic commerce.
The average workweek for European managers: more than 50 hours. But European executives also take an average of 23 vacation days (excluding public holidays), with 47% of German executives saying that they take 30 or more days of vacation