To reduce costs and increase productivity, Bayer Diagnostics, based in Tarrytown, N.Y., has joined the Global Health Care Exchange, an online enterprise that facilitates the exchange of information between suppliers and customers of health care supplies. In addition to Bayer, the exchange includes Johnson & Johnson, GE Medical Systems, Baxter International Inc., Abbott Laboratories, and Medtronic Inc. Its founders say it was created to focus on the growing importance of information technology within the health-care system. "This venture provides a unique opportunity for us to explore the potential of the Internet to allow us to deliver innovative services to our customers aimed at reducing costs and increasing productivity," says Rolf Classon, president of Bayer Diagnostics. Bayer Diagnostics is part of the worldwide Bayer Group, a $29 billion international life sciences, polymers, and specialty chemicals group based in Leverkusen, Germany.