Instead of targeting industries with the worst safety records, new Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) chief Charles N. Jeffress has decided to target for surprise inspections specific employment sites with the worst safety records based on data OSHA collected in 1996 from all companies with more than 60 employees. Whos at the greatest risk? Those sites with lost workday illness/injury (LWDII) rates of 28 or more per 100 full-time workers, or those with LWDII rates of 20 per 100 full-time workers and a significant history of safety violations. Jeffress says OSHA will identify the 500 worst violators and that employers will face traditional enforcement through fines--unless they make voluntary improvements. Jeffress also aims to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses in construction, logging, meat processing and shipbuilding by 15% by the year 2002.