Compiled By Jill Jusko If you are looking to bring international perspective to your purchasing management, you might want to consider attending the IFPMM (International Federation of Purchasing and Materials Management) World Congress 2003. Slated for ...
Compiled ByJill Jusko If you are looking to bring international perspective to your purchasing management, you might want to consider attending the IFPMM (International Federation of Purchasing and Materials Management) World Congress 2003. Slated for June 15-17, it will be held in Lucerne, Switzerland, and includes some 50 speakers from nearly 20 countries. The conference program aims for a strong focus on present and future challenges in professional purchasing and materials management. Session titles include: "The Role of Procurement in Business Strategy"; "Outsourcing versus Insourcing"; "Purchasing in Mergers and Acquisitions"; "Consortium Buying: Not Only for Large Companies"; and "E-Business Success Stories: What is the New Fiction?" Speakers include purchasing officials from Nestle SA, E.ON AG, Continental Teves AG, Covisint Europe, Nokia Corp. and many more.