With RFID (radio frequency identification) mandates growing by leaps and bounds, consulting firm Venture Development Corp. has adjusted upward its growth rates for this technology. Natick, Mass.-based VDC in 2002 estimated a 21% compound annual growth rate for RFID software and systems between 2003 and 2005. Given recent mandates by such organizations as Wal-Mart and the U.S. Department of Defense, the growth rate is now expected to exceed 37%, says VDC. The size of the market in 2005 is forecast at $2.13 billion, up from an original prediction of $1.65 billion. Broken out by product category, VDC's adjusted 2005 forecast for market size is as follows: transponders, $853 million; readers, $683 million; and software, $594 million. The consulting firm has a white paper on RFID at www.vdc-corp.com/autoid/white/04/walfactor2.pdf.