For the first time in decades, the National Assn. of Manufacturers (NAM) has elected a small-company CEO as its chairman. Named to the post is Calvin A. "Tink" Campbell Jr., president and CEO of Goodman Equipment Co., a Bedford Park, Ill.-based firm that ...
For the first time in decades, the National Assn. of Manufacturers (NAM) has elected a small-company CEO as its chairman. Named to the post is Calvin A. "Tink" Campbell Jr., president and CEO of Goodman Equipment Co., a Bedford Park, Ill.-based firm that manufactures underground mining locomotives, personnel carriers, and blow-molding machinery. The company has fewer than 100 employees. Campbell, who will serve a one-year term, succeeds Earnest W. Davenport, chairman and CEO of Eastman Chemical Co. As the NAM's chief spokesperson, Campbell said the association will encourage higher economic growth by focusing on "the four T's": trade, technology, taxes, and training. Included will be pushes for fast-track trade negotiating authority, reform of patent laws, a simpler tax-system, and competition in the education system. "My election as chairman underscores the NAM's commitment to its 10,000 midsize-member companies and their pivotal role in the U.S. economy," he said. Overall, the association has 14,000 member firms.