Two articles in this issue speak volumes about what you need to do to help your company survive through this bafflingly slow economy to a grand old age. The stories, Senior Editor John McClenahen's Managing In A Slow-Growth Economy and Jill Jusko's Secrets To Longevity, address the very nature of success -- what builds it, maintains it and keeps it in sight even in the face of obstacles. Many of the strategies suggested in the articles highlight the importance of nurturing a motivated, if not passionate, workforce. The January issue of "Harvard Business Review" (HBR), which reprised some of the most compelling research conducted on workforce motivation throughout the years as well as published several new studies, helped me compile the four most important strategies for gaining a high level of commitment from your employees. HBR's overall conclusion? "We learn that while traditional rewards and punishments can, if ill managed, severely damage motivation, they have little beneficial effect even under the best of circumstances. It's the fuzzier things -- feelings of purpose, belonging, engagement -- that push people to do their best." So what do you need to do?