Since Panasonic launched its robotics unit last year, the biggest headlines to emerge have been that of a robot with arms so sensitive it can wash dishes without so much as a scratch.
Beyond the rush of glee from husbands around the world, the development is significant for another reason. Panasonic is getting serious about robots and has set its sights on sales of ¥100 billion (U.S. $1.1 billion) by 2015.
Panasonic is seeking to accomplish its aims through a line of home and industrial robots. One recently developed model, specified for hospital and industrial use, is a porter robot that can be used to assist workers in pulling heavy objects, such as medical carts, or helping hospital staff pull beds or wheelchairs.
Panasonic plans to put on sale early next year a medical robot for use in clinics and hospitals that will dispense medicine for use in injections when a patient's name or
number is entered.