Intel's upcoming Penryn processors will boost computer speed by 40% for gaming compared to existing top-line chips, the company said April 17. The chips, expected to hit the market in the second half of 2007, would also increase performance by an estimated 45% for bandwidth-intensive applications, Patrick Gelsinger, the company's general manager for digital enterprise, said at the Intel Developer's Forum in Beijing.
Gelsinger added the chip would allow performance increases of about 15% for imaging-related applications, 25% for 3-D rendering, and more than 40% for video encoding.
Intel, the world's largest semiconductor maker, held its developer's forum in China just a month after announcing plans for a $2.5 billion chip plant in the northeast China city of Dalian. The new plant reflects a new focus by the company on China which is expected to help the country evolve into a more high-tech manufacturing center.
Copyright Agence France-Presse, 2007