The National Petrochemical & Refiners Association, (NPRA) released the results of its fourth quarter petrochemical production and inventory surveys. In the fourth quarter of 2004, total production of the 18 petrochemicals surveyed and reportable was 57.9 billion pounds, an increase of 10% compared with same quarter 2003 production of 52.4 billion pounds, and an increase of 7% compared with third quarter 2004 production of 54.1 billion pounds of reportable petrochemicals.
Total fourth quarter 2004 inventories of the six petrochemicals reportable was 54.1 billion pounds, an increase of 11% from same quarter 2003 inventories of 3.6 billion pounds, and an increase of 14% compared with third quarter 2004 inventories of 3.5 billion pounds for reportable petrochemicals.
NPRA regularly surveys the U.S. petrochemical and refining industries on a quarterly basis regarding production of 19 petrochemicals. NPRA also surveys end of the quarter inventory levels for eight of those petrochemicals. The petrochemicals surveyed include ethylene, propylene, butadiene, benzene and mixed xylenes -- the basic building block chemicals -- and the largest volume first and in some cases, second derivatives of these petrochemicals.