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Autonomous Operations: A Powerful Solution to Unprecedented Times

June 17, 2021
Yokogawa, a company on the leading edge of industrial automation, provides insight into the profound benefits of autonomous operations in a post-pandemic world.

The COVID-19 global pandemic has shown us the importance of protecting workers and system operations from the unpredictable and the unsafe. As a result, the future of autonomous operations, a body of industrial solutions where assets and operations have learning and adaptive capabilities that allow them to respond with minimal human interaction to situations that were not pre-programmed or anticipated in the design, has been brought to new relevance.

Yokogawa, a thought leader in industrial automation, is spearheading the development of autonomous operations. In the video below, Yokogawa explains how a shift towards autonomous operations will make manufacturers more resilient and responsive to the needs of our constantly changing world.

To learn more about autonomous operations please visit this interactive site, presented by IndustryWeek and sponsored by Yokogawa.Sponsored by:

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