The introduction of the euro in 11 European countries this week should make it easier to compare pay and benefit levels in different countries. Global management consulting firm Watson Wyatt & Co., for example, has devised Global Grading System, which establishes 25 grades for 50 types of jobs ranging from junior clerk to CEO. An example: The median base pay for a Grade 16 middle-management employee in Spain pays, in U.S. dollars, just 64% of what the pay for that job would be in Germany. Watson Wyatt's 300-page report, 1998/99 Global 50 Renumeration Planning Report -- with actual market practices from 45 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas -- costs $1,500 and is available on CD-ROM or in print by calling Watson Wyatt at 201/843-1177 or visiting the company's Web site: