Vastera Inc., an international trade logistics solutions company, is continuing a series of trade logistics-related teleconferences with a Jan. 6 teleconference entitled "Developments Under the U.S. Customs Service Compliance Assessment Program," with ...
Vastera Inc., an international trade logistics solutions company, is continuing a series of trade logistics-related teleconferences with a Jan. 6 teleconference entitled "Developments Under the U.S. Customs Service Compliance Assessment Program," with guest speaker William F. Inch, director of Regulatory Audit Division of the U.S. Customs Service. The program begins at 11 a.m. EST, and will be hosted by Larry Christensen, a vice president at Vastera. Two other conferences are scheduled for Feb. 3 (Developments Under the Rules of the Office of Foreign Assets Control) and Mar. 3 (U.S. Embargo and Sanctions Policy), and additional conferences will be announced. To register, and for more information, visit the Vastera Web site or call 703-661-9006.