The EPA has awarded Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. with its 1999 Climate Protection Award. Nissan was the only automaker to receive the award. Nissan was recognized for its efforts to address global warming, reduce hydrofluorocarbons, and to improve fuel economy ...
The EPA has awarded Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. with its 1999 Climate Protection Award. Nissan was the only automaker to receive the award. Nissan was recognized for its efforts to address global warming, reduce hydrofluorocarbons, and to improve fuel economy in its Nissan and Infiniti vehicles. Among Nissan's recent accomplishments:
It was the first automobile manufacturer in the U.S. to install the equipment for recovery and recycling of chlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons refrigerants at all of its U.S. dealerships.
It was among the first automakers worldwide to eliminate the use of CFCs as a foaming and cleaning agent in manufacturing processes.
Nissan is also the first automaker to receive the EPA's "Best of the Best" award for protecting the stratospheric ozone layer. "We're delighted to have been selected by the EPA and an international panel of judges to receive this award," says Iwao Nakamura, senior vice president production development and engineering for Nissan. "Nissan has a long history of commitment to preserving the global environment. . . . Receiving this distinguished EPA award is another positive acknowledgment of our ongoing environmental efforts."