Web-based job-search tools are moving beyond being resume mills. With ResumeMaker job-search software from Individual Software Inc., Pleasanton, Calif., you can create resumes and cover letters, and locate up to one million Internet-posted job opportunities.
One set of tools guides cover letter and resume preparation with sample phrases and paragraphs, job descriptions, a thesaurus of action words for describing duties and accomplishments, and 200 sample resumes for popular careers.
The Job Finder function allows users to choose a job title or profession-related keywords, as well as where they want to work, and then directly connect to more than 20 Internet job-search engines to find opportunities that match the user's criteria. The system searches more than one million job openings currently listed online, including the daily or last Sunday classified job ads of 60 of the largest daily newspapers in the United States. By clicking on any of the hyper-linked job listings, Job Finder displays a detailed job description including requirements or required experience, typical responsibilities, and salary ranges. Once a job is located, the system allows the user to forward their resume and cover letter directly to that employer.
Users also can post their resume to more than a dozen of the largest resume banks and career Web sites on the Internet where HR personnel regularly look for candidates. Privacy protection shields names and personal information from current employers.