Compiled By Traci Purdum Wonder how you are doing at the helm of your company? Now you can find out in real time via the Internet. Leadership Strategies Inc., a Princeton, N.J.-based executive coaching firm, has launched its interactive ...
Compiled ByTraci Purdum Wonder how you are doing at the helm of your company? Now you can find out in real time via the Internet. Leadership Strategies Inc., a Princeton, N.J.-based executive coaching firm, has launched its interactive tool that enables executives to self-evaluate their leadership skills and receive instant feedback for free. Visitors answer five sets of questions that address how well the visitor is leading, soundness of business strategy, ability to gain the confidence of a team, presentation, and his or her own attitude toward the situation. Answers to the questions prompt a detailed e-mail from the site. "We have encapsulated the initial questioning we use in counseling CEOs and other senior executives at such companies as Johnson & Johnson, General Motors, CR Bard, AMP Inc., Rhone Poulenc, Revlon, AOL Time-Warner and Accenture into, providing everyone with a way to evaluate their current work environment and determine areas of strength and weakness," says Stephen Payne, president of Leadership Strategies.