Mobile and wireless technology ranks as the top technology concern of IT professionals, followed by security and privacy issues, says Gartner Inc., Stamford, Conn. Rounding out the top five: customer relationship management (CRM), disaster recovery and ...
Mobile and wireless technology ranks as the top technology concern of IT professionals, followed by security and privacy issues, says Gartner Inc., Stamford, Conn. Rounding out the top five: customer relationship management (CRM), disaster recovery and business continuity, and Web services. The research group's just-released survey also found that some highly-ranked technology issues of years past -- enterprise resource planning, supply-chain issues, and B2B e-marketplaces -- no longer hold the same importance and that many of today's top technology issues are converging. For example, managers ranked virtual private networks and secure mobile users as key issues within mobile and wireless technology. Likewise, manager ranked mobile commerce as a key issue within CRM and disaster recovery and business continuity as a key issue in Web services.