Ford's Pestillo Tapped To Lead New Auto Group

Jan. 13, 2005
A new trade organization reflecting the growing globalization of the automobile industry has been announced. The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers comprises nine automakers: BMW, DaimlerChrysler, Ford Motor Co., General Motors, Mazda, Nissan, Toyota, ...

A new trade organization reflecting the growing globalization of the automobile industry has been announced. The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers comprises nine automakers: BMW, DaimlerChrysler, Ford Motor Co., General Motors, Mazda, Nissan, Toyota, Volkswagen, and Volvo. Peter Pestillo, Ford vice chairman, will serve as the Alliance chairman during the association's first year. Pestillo says the group will provide its members with a "forum to work together on public policy matters of common interest." Also included among the Alliance's goals are to provide credible industry information and data on a global basis and to seek consistent global regulatory standards. Ironically, the same globalization trend that gave rise to the Alliance also spelled the end for the American Automobile Manufacturers Assn., which closed its doors Dec. 31.

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