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How One Small Manufacturer Managed 100% Growth by Going Digital

May 6, 2019
It’s time for a change.

For every large manufacturing company that moves the needle on digital transformation, there are hundreds of small to mid-sized manufacturers still using paper-based processes—which makes it challenging to manage increasing customer demand.

One small manufacturer, A&K Finishing, a leading coater that provides plastic paint solutions for the automotive, furniture, electronics and commercial industries, decided to move from paper-based quality and inventory management processes and discovered a whole new way of looking at operations.

Every part that comes into A&K gets painted and goes out as a final product to the customer. Counting inventory manually weekly and monthly was labor-intensive and time consuming. Now the company has accurate inventory history and can account for every piece that comes into the facility. This must-have data is not at every employee’s finger tips.

The company now exceeds customer quality expectations and drives continuous improvements with real-time information. In the year A&K Finishing went live with their manufacturing system of record, the company experienced 100% growth—which would not have been as manageable if they did not have the system.

Read the full A&K Finishing success story.

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