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IndustryWeek's 2009 Salary Survey: Charts and Tables

Feb. 11, 2009
The data behind the 2009 IndustryWeek Salary Survey

Average Salary by Industry

Industry sector (% of response) Salary
Consulting/Education (2%) $113,418
Pharmaceuticals/Healthcare (3%) $110,830
Chemicals (3%) $107,147
Petroleum & Coal (2%) $103,702
Medical Devices/Lab Equipment (4%) $102,617
Paper/Printing/Publishing (4%) $100,852
Computer Equipment/Peripherals/Software (1%) $100,493
Food & Beverage (6%) $99,954
Consumer Goods/Durables (5%) $99,340
Metals (11%) $96,676
Construction/Building Equipment (8%) $94,246
Aerospace & Defense (8%) $92,044
Plastics & Rubber Products (5%) $91,640
Industrial Machinery (15%) $91,476
Electronics/High-Tech/Telecom Equipment (6%) $90,580
Automotive/Transportation Vehicles & Equipment (12%) $88,424
Wood Products/Furniture (4%) $87,450
Apparel/Textiles (1%) $84,512

Average Salary by Education Level

Highest level attained (% of response) Salary
High School (7%) $68,784
Some College (17%) $76,373
2-yr Degree (9%) $72,601
4-yr Bachelors Degree (33%) $96,769
Some Graduate Study (12%) $105,630
Master's Degree (21%) $117,485
Doctorate (1%) $152,703

Average Salary by Geographic Region

Region % of response Salary
    2009 2008
New England (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT) 6% $101,138 $109,120
Middle Atlantic (NJ, NY, PA) 11% $95,873 $112,956
South Atlantic (DC, DE, FL, GA, MD, NC, SC, VA, WV) 16% $97,121 $113,128
North Central (IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI) 39% $90,807 $100,752
South Central (AL, AR, KY, LA, MS, OK, TN, TX) 15% $100,432 $98,569
Mountain (AZ, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, UT, WY) 5% $95,550 $106,008
Pacific (AK, CA, HI, OR, WA) 8% $100,098 $116,035

Average Salary by Race

Ethnic background Salary
Asian or Pacific Islander (3%) $92,179
Black/African-American (2%) $101,923
Hispanic/Latino (2%) $88,707
Native American or Alaska Native (1%) $94,159
White/Caucasian (88%) $95,142
Prefer not to say (4%) $99,705

Average Salary by Gender

Gender (% of response) Salary Salary
  2009 2008
Male (91%) $97,068 $107,434
Female (9%) $75,116 $79,814

Average Salary by Company Size

Annual corporate revenues (% of response) Salary Salary
  2009 2008
Less than $25 million (27%) $86,574 $94,931
$25-50 million (12%) $84,476 $102,915
$50-100 million (10%) $89,185 $98,660
$100-500 million (17%) $99,096 $106,702
$500 million-$1 billion (9%) $102,374 $107,693
$1 billion-$20 billion (19%) $108,246 $121,178
More than $20 billion (6%) $103,569 $107,757

Average Salary by Age

Age (% of response) Salary
21-29 (3%) $55,343
30-39 (13%) $83,443
40-49 (32%) $92,873
50-59 (35%) $101,307
60+ (17%) $103,870

Average Salary by Experience

Years in manufacturing (% of response) Salary
0-2 (3%) $91,973
3-5 (4%) $66,260
6-10 (7%) $73,550
11-15 (11%) $92,387
16-20 (11%) $92,273
21-25 (19%) $99,536
26+ (45%) $101,215

Average Salary by Job Responsibility

Position (% of response) Salary
Corporate/Executive Management (CEO, COO, CFO, President, GM, etc.)(13%) $150,595
Director, Manufacturing/Production (3%) $120,191
Director, Purchasing/Procurement/Sourcing (2%) $97,396
VP, Manufacturing/Production (3%) $112,808
VP, Operations (3%) $135,869
Manufacturing/Production Management (11%) $76,192
Engineering Management (17%) $90,683
Plant/Facilities Management (8%) $79,017
Lean/Continuous Improvement Management (6%) $83,387
Operations Management (5%) $79,043
Quality Management (5%) $83,881
R&D/Product Development Management (5%) $83,384
Sales/Marketing Management (5%) $93,657
Purchasing/Procurement/Sourcing Management (4%) $65,758
Supply Chain/Logistics Management (3%) $76,922
Human Resources Management (2%) $89,461
Financial Management/Controller (2%) $89,560
Safety Management (1%) $68,401
Consulting/Education (1%) $109,354
Administration (1%) $42,768

Average Salary by Seniority

Years with current company (% of response) Salary
0-2 (13%) $94,615
3-5 (21%) $88,245
6-10 (18%) $92,868
11-15 (14%) $92,800
16-20 (10%) $92,509
21-25 (9%) $104,852
26+ (15%) $106,219

Average Salary by Staff Size

Number of employees you manage (% of response) Salary
0-10 (64%) $89,057
11-25 (14%) $103,852
26-50 (8%) $97,406
51-100 (6%) $109,684
More than 100 (8%) $118,491

How satisfied are you with manufacturing as a career path? (% of response)

  2009 2008
Very satisfied 35% 34%
Satisfied 45% 49%
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 14% 12%
Unsatisfied 5% 4%
Very unsatisfied 1% 1%

How satisfied are you with your current job? (% of response)

  2009 2008
Very satisfied 30% 28%
Satisfied 46% 46%
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 14% 16%
Unsatisfied 8% 8%
Very unsatisfied 2% 2%

What matters most to you about your job? (% of response)

  2009 2008
Job Stability 29% 21%
Base Salary 20% 21%
Recognition of Your Importance to Company 15% 16%
Career Advancement Opportunities 12% 15%
Company's Recognition of the Importance of Manufacturing Operations 8% 11%
Benefits 6% 6%
Flexible Schedule 4% 4%
Relationships with Co-Workers 3% 4%
Continuing Education/Training 2% 1%
Vacation Time 1% 1%

Change in Base Salary Over Previous Year (% of response)

Decreased more than 5% 2%
Decreased 3-5% 1%
Decreased 1-3% 1%
No change 27%
Increased 1-3% 25%
Increased 3-5% 29%
Increased more than 5% 15%

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