New Cellulose Manufacturing Facility to Open in Thailand
July 24, 2012
The new facility, expected to come on line in the fourth quarter 2014, supply the growing Asia market with its industry Avicel colloidal MCC which is used as a key ingredient in food and beverages.
In order to increase their global food grade of class microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) by 35%, FMC Corp. (IW 1000/922) announced on Tuesday that they will open in a new factory in Rayong, Thailand.
"Demand for MCC continues to grow rapidly in Asia," said Michael Wilson, president of FMC's Specialty Chemicals Group. "This addition of significant new capacity to our MCC network will be needed to supply high-quality products and service to our Asian customers, while at the same time providing us with greater flexibility to support global growth with our existing capacity in North America and Europe."
The new facility, expected to come on line in the fourth quarter 2014, supply the growing Asia market with its industry Avicel colloidal MCC which is used as a key ingredient in food and beverages
However, the facility's design will allow for future volume expansion, and the manufacture of different product lines for both the food and pharmaceutical markets, as demand warrants, the company said.