New Renault Product Line In Slovenia

April 26, 2007
New Twingo model will go on sale June 15.

Slovenian carmaker Revoz, a subsidiary of Renault, presented April 26 the production line for the French manufacturer's latest Twingo model, which will be exclusively produced in Novo Mesto. "Our main concern now is whether we will be able to cope with the demand of the market," Revoz chief Marcel Brouiller said April 25

The factory, located 40 miles east of the capital Ljubljana, already produces the bigger Renault model Clio II. It employs 3,000 workers, and has since February produced 750 cars per day: 525 Clio II and 225 new Twingo, Brouiller explained. In May, it will introduce a night shift to increase production to 800 vehicles per day: 400 Clios and 400 Twingos. Revoz can produce up to 210,000 cars a year. Renault invested 400 million euros ($US 545 million) to modernize and adapt the Novo Mesto plant as part of preparations to produce the new Twingo, and hired an additional 700 workers

The new Twingo was first presented at the Geneva Auto Show in March and is to go on sale simultaneously in France, Italy and Slovenia on June 15

Revoz is Slovenia's largest exporter, representing almost 8% of all Slovenian exports.

Copyright Agence France-Presse, 2007

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