Wyeth announced on May 5 that the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry has awarded the company's Darbytown Road facility a prestigious Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) STAR certification. The plant, which produces and packages products such as ChapStick, Robitussin and Advil, is the first pharmaceutical manufacturer in the state to receive the certification.
The VPP STAR, the Occupational Safety and Health Administrations top designation for general industry, has been presented to fewer than 2,000 of the approximately eight million work sites in the U.S. It promotes exceptional safety and health management initiatives that exceed OSHA standards.
Denicourt adds that the Richmond plant has put a number of programs in place to create an environment where safety is foremost on employees' minds every day. "Safety is not just a goal at Richmond, its a value that is now ingrained in our culture," said Richmond Plant Managing Director Scott Denicourt.
The plant will host an employee "Safety Day" on May 2 to commemorate that it has recorded no lost time injuries during the past calendar year and to recognize the progress the site has made in creating a safe work environment.