Know Your Stuff

Dec. 21, 2004
Complete Source List

Information, once rare and cherished like caviar, is now plentiful and taken for granted like potatoes," writes David Shenk in his book, Data Smog: Surviving the Information Glut (1997, Harper San Francisco). We've all had to develop strategies for coping with the heaps of information being dumped on us. Some IndustryWeek staff members build piles. Book galleys, news releases, 20-page faxes, and technical journals rim the edges of their desks. For every issue they sort through this mass and pick out what's most useful and compelling. This is what we've done, on a grand scale, for the IndustryWeek Global Manufacturers' Resource Guide. Our goal when this project was conceived was to compile a single source of accurate and up-to-date information that would help our readers gain perspective and make decisions in today's global economy. We've spent many months compiling lists of lists, evaluating and checking sources, and verifying information. The sources we've chosen, respected authorities in their areas of expertise, have generously granted us permission to reprint selections from their rankings and directories. As computer processing speeds double and double again, and raw data proliferates like so many french fries, clarity and brevity become increasingly valuable. Consider this issue your guidebook to the wide world of manufacturing.

Complet Source List
International Industrial Scorecard World Competitiveness Yearbook 1998, IMD,; U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; U.S. Bureau of the Census; U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service, U.S. Dept. of State; World Factbook, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, Gauging Global Competitiveness Global competitiveness Report, World Economic Forum,; The Heritage Foundation; The Economic Freedom of the World, 1998/1999 Interim Report, The Fraser Institute,; The World Competitiveness Yearbook 1998, International Institute for Management Development, Trade Shows 1999 TSCentral,; Trade Show News, C4 Active Media Co. Network,; Trade Shows Worldwide, The Gale Group, Management Associations World Directory of Trade and Business Associations, Euromonitor International,; American Management Assn. Manufacturing Associations Associations Unlimited, The Gale Group,; National Assn. of Manufacturers; NPTA 98: National Trade and Professional Associations of the U.S., Columbia Books Inc.; Country Commercial Guides, U.S. State Dept. Government Revenue vs Spending OECD in Figures, copyright Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development, Corporate Taxes World Competitiveness Yearbook 1998, International Institute for Management Development, U.S. and International Embassies Business Phone Book USA 1999, Omnigraphics Inc.,; U.S. State Dept. Foreign Exchange Rates (Currency per US$) U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of New York Cost of Living Index World Competitiveness Yearbook 1998, International Institute for Management Development, Top 25 International Accounting Networks Accountancy International, Aug. 1998 Largest International Banks The Bankers Almanac Bankbase CD-Rom Leading U.S. Banks U.S. Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Top 50 U.S. Property/Casualty Insurers Bestweek, A.M. Best Co. Most Active Venture-Capital Firms Pricewaterhousecoopers Money Tree Survey, third quarter 1998 50 Leading U.S. Security Brokers, Dealers, and Investment Advisors Dun & Bradstreets Business Rankings 1998 World Stock Exchanges Reprinted from Security Dealers of North America by permission of Standard & Poors, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies Three-Time Best-Managed Companies IndustryWeek Best Plants of All Time IndustryWeek Plant Profile IndustryWeek Customer and Supplier Relations IndustryWeek Technology IndustryWeek IW 1000 IndustryWeek U.S. Manufacturing Extention Partnerships By State National Institute of Standards & Technology, Leading U.S. Long-Distance Service Providers "Long Distance Market Shares, Second Quarter 1998," Federal Communications Commission, Worlds Top 25 Airlines Air Transport World, July 1998, Leading Airlines by Freight Cargo Air Transport World, July 1998, Top 50 U.S. Motor Carriers Transportation Technical Services, Fredericksburg, Va., Third-Party Logistics Suppliers Whos Who In Logistics? Armstrongs Guide To Third Party Logistics Services Providers, Armstrong & Associates, Inc. International Freight And Passenger Transport OECD in figures, 1998 edition, (copyright) Organization For Economic Cooperation & Development, 1998. Material from OECD Web site, Top 25 Investor-Owned Utility Companies Edison Electric Institute, Top 25 Publicly-Owned Electric Systems American Public Power Association, Public Power, Jan./Feb. 1998 (1996 Figures), U.S. Power Marketers Reprinted with permission of Power Markets Week, a publication of McGraw-Hill Cos. International Electricity Costs World Competitiveness Yearbook 1998, International Institute For Management Development, U.S. Economic Development Agencies Council For Urban Economic Development, Top 100 World-Class Communities Calculated in association with The Urban Center, Cleveland State University, from data provided by Bureau of Economic Analysis, Dept. of Commerce, and Regional Economic Information System International Research Parks Worldwide Research Park Directory,, BPI Communications, supplement to Plants Sites & Parks. Reprinted by permission of the Assn. of University Related Research Parks (AURRP). U.S. Research Parks Worldwide Research Park Directory,, BPI Communications, supplement to Plants Sites & Parks. Reprinted by permission of the Assn. of University Related Research Parks (AURRP). International World Trade Centers World Trade Centers Assn., U.S. World Trade Centers World Trade Centers Assn., Best 75 Business Schools The Best 75 Business Schools, The Princeton Review, Random House, 1998, Top 25 Most Expensive Executive M.B.A. Programs Top 50 Consulting Firms Consultants News, Kennedy Information LLC, Fitzwilliam, NH.

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