Lockheed Martin Corp. (IW500/30) announced a collaboration initiative with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to research “generation-after-next autonomous systems,” meaning human-machine teaming and navigation in complex environments, among other technological issues involving autonomy and robotics. The aerospace and defense manufacturer and the university formalized their multi-year collaboration with a master agreement, which calls for exchanging scientists, support for undergraduate research, fellowships, and Lockheed internships.
The specific working arrangement will be conducted through the Institute’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AeroAstro), in collaboration with MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Neither Lockheed nor MIT indicated the terms or budget for the initiative.
AeroAstro Department Head Jaime Peraire said the Lockheed agreement formalizes a partnership that has been in progress for several years, “and aligns with MIT’s mode of conducting research and education by melding academic rigor with real engineering challenges and applications.”
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