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IndustryWeek's Weekly Reads: Why People Quit, What Automation Won't Fix, Fast-Moving Sanctions

March 11, 2022
Catch up with the most-read articles over the past 7 days.

Another workweek draws to a close, and once again we review what our IndustryWeek manufacturing audience has been viewing over the past seven days. 

A diverse set of topics attracted readers' attention, from automation and continuous improvement to leadership, workforce woes and the continuing conflict in Ukraine. 

What follows are the 10 content items that attracted the most focus over the past week. If your time is limited, these articles may be a good place to start catching up with IndustryWeek. But as we always note: There's plenty more informative and engaging content at IndustryWeek.com.

Saint-Gobain Regional CEO Buoyed by ‘Very Strong Forecast’: The global conglomerate has begun investing $400 million in a handful of new U.S. production facilities.

Shipping Costs Rise, Transport Tightens as War Escalates in Ukraine: Rail may not remain a safe or affordable alternative to sea transport because trains from China to Europe typically transit through Russia.

The Manufacturer’s Agenda: The Great Something: Understanding why people keep quitting their jobs.

A CEO’s Farewell to the Board of Directors (Arrivederci, Idioti!): I would sincerely like to thank you for showing me what it means to hold onto something too long.

Change Minds, or Change Will Fail: 5 Steps for Winning Employee Acceptance: A Ford lean master shares his strategy for turning skeptics into believers on new initiatives.

Does the War in Ukraine Increase the Risk of Russian Cyberattacks? Will Russian state-sponsored cybercrime, already a tremendous problem for American companies, get worse?

A Guide to Fast-Moving Russian Sanctions and Export Controls: A former chief of National Security & Cybercrime breaks down the latest info on doing international business in the region and sending aid to Ukraine.

The Workforce Has Spoken—How Should Companies Respond? We have moved past panic. We are now fully immersed in understanding the problem and fixing it.

Automation Won’t Fix a False Sense of Lean Maturity: People, working smartly with technology, are the key to an organization’s adaptability.

30 Years of Continuous Improvement: Freudenberg Sealing Technologies' Vicky Jandreau shares lessons learned in the manufacturer's evolution to a continuous learning organization. 

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