Dollars Gained and Lost, What's In a Name, and Meet the Finalists: IndustryWeek's Weekly Reads
With earnings season underway, the millions and billions of dollars gained and lost by U.S. manufacturers captured the attention of the IndustryWeek manufacturing community over the past seven days. Additionally, the IW audience jumped at the opportunity to meet the 2022 IndustryWeek Best Plants Awards finalists, and continued their keen interest in all things supply chain-related.
That's not all, however. What follows is a list of the most-viewed content over the past week, and the breadth of it illustrates the community's wide range of interests. Moreover, there's a wealth of additional content that we invite you to explore as your day permits.
Without further ado, our most-viewed list:
Moving Production from China and Taiwan Matters More Than Ever: World events far more powerful than any industry trends can render all supply-chain microplanning moot.
Meet the 2022 IndustryWeek Best Plants Finalists: These 10 plants demonstrate excellence in practices and performances, as well as a devotion to continuous improvement.
Nucor Q1 Profit More Than Doubles From ‘21: The steel maker’s leaders say their indicators, including strength in commercial construction, suggest an all-time record bottom line in the second quarter.
Boeing Shares Dive as 777X Delay, Air Force One Woes Lead to $1.2 Billion Loss: The U.S. aerospace company now expects first deliveries of the plane in 2025, resulting in a $1.5 billion hit to profits.
What’s in a C-Suite Name? From CIBO to CRO ... what's trending, what's not and what do all the letters mean?
French Prosecutors Issue International Arrest Warrant for Ghosn: The allegations against Ghosn, who fled to Lebanon following detention in Japan, include misuse of company assets, money laundering and corruption.
Ford to Lean Primarily on Price Increases to Offset Rising Costs: The company’s commodity spending forecast for the year has risen by $4 billion.
Corning Optical Communications Goes Full Circle with Verizon And 5G: Corning’s Hickory Manufacturing & Technology Center experiments with private 5G wireless network.
How to Be a Better Mentor: Showing up, listening and offering nonjudgmental support are more important than giving instructions.
GE Guides to Low End of Outlook on Inflation, Supply Chain Woes: The company’s renewables division lost more than $400 million during the first quarter.
Editor's Choice
Supplier Goodwill toward OEMs Has Run Dry: Years of being treated as the OEMs' personal slush fund has drained their trust.