From autos to video cameras, the Internet of Things is exponentially increasing the number of potential targets for cyber-criminals, as we explain in this article with an accompanying poll.
Imagine the havoc that hackers could cause a nation by systematically targeting its power grid. Or the implications of criminals taking control over a city's network of video cameras. Or of a hacker taking control over a commercial airplane en route. While some of these risk scenarios may seem exaggerated, the ability of Stuxnet malware to cause physical damage has been shown inan Iranian nuclear facility. Last year, the Lloyds Business Blackout' report stated that the U.S. power grid itself was at risk of a Stuxnet-style attack, potentiallycausing $1 trillion in damages.
We need your help: After reading through the ten IoT security targetsdescribed in the article below, let us know your pick the item you think represents the biggest overall risk.
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