Not A Happy New Year

Dec. 21, 2004
Except in Asia, most key countries will underperform 1998.

Economically, about the best the world can expect in 1999 is a repeat of 1998's 2% growth. And there's much that could make it less. The current U.S. expansion, now nearing its ninth year, is very old by post-World War II standards. The signs of recovery in Asia are cherry-blossom delicate; further Japanese financial failures and a currency devaluation in China could blow them away. The euro, the new common currency for 11 of the European Union's (EU) 15 member countries, is less than a week old -- and globally untested in foreign-exchange markets. And near yearend, a bigger-than-anticipated Y2K problem could push even the U.S. economy solidly in the direction of recession. As it looks now, however, in 1999 the U.S. economy will not fall into a classic recession: two consecutive calendar quarters of economic contraction. But there probably won't be a lot of growth either. For example, in the bellwether U.S. machine tool industry, there'll be "a bit of a downturn" in year-to-year new orders, with the decline probably becoming apparent by February, says Pat McGibbon, vice president for industry marketing services at the Assn. for Manufacturing Technology, McLean, Va. "I certainly don't see a recession, but I think that 1999 will be a year of substantial slowdown to the 2% [growth] range," states Jerry J. Jasinowski, president of the National Assn. of Manufacturers, Washington. At Scudder Kemper Investments Inc., New York, chief economist Maureen Allyn has reduced her 1999 forecast to 1.5% inflation-adjusted growth in gross domestic product (GDP) from 2.2%. "If we're wrong, both inflation and growth are likely to be lower than we've projected, not higher," she relates. Economically closer to Jasinowski than Allyn is David A. Wyss, chief economist at Standard & Poor's DRI, Lexington, Mass. He's forecasting 2.1% real growth for this year, with a second-half growth spurt offsetting weaker first (1.3%) and second (1.1%) calendar quarters. Interest-rate cuts already made by the Federal Reserve should be stimulating the economy in 1999's second six months, Wyss figures. Also in the second half, Asia isn't likely to be the drag on the U.S. economy that it has been for the past several months. "It's not so much that [Asian nations are] going to be recovering very fast; it's just that they're not going to be going down any more," Wyss says. Meanwhile, a doom and gloom U.S. outlook persists at the Jerome Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y. "We continue to expect recession. . . . The fundamentals for the global and domestic economy have not improved," claim S Jay Levy, the institute's chairman, and David A. Levy, vice chairman and director of forecasting. Officially, the EU expects 2.4% real growth among its 15 member countries and 2.6% growth among the 11 nations now beginning to deal in euros. Significantly, however, both figures are down a substantial six-tenths of a percentage point from the EU's previous forecast. Another cautionary note: Fewer than half of the 350 senior corporate finance executives of U.S.-based multinationals recently surveyed by Ernst & Young LLP, New York, anticipate an economic expansion in Europe this year -- and a startling 47% foresee no economic growth. Japan is betting that a US$167 billion stimulus package will help raise demand by 2% to 3%, result in 1% or better growth in GDP in the fiscal year that begins Apr. 1, and have the world's second-largest economy solidly in recovery in the following fiscal year. It's less than a sure bet. For example, rather than grow in 1999, Japan's economy will contract 2%, suggests the global securities research and economics group at Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc., New York. In percentage terms, Thailand, where the Asian financial crisis started 18 months ago, is expected to better its 1998 performance. Ditto for Indonesia, South Korea, and Malaysia. But all four countries will still post negative GDP numbers for the year, anticipates Merrill Lynch. Some 25% of Ernst & Young's survey respondents expect GDP gains in Latin America this year; a third anticipate recession; and 42% forecast no change from 1998. However, looking five years ahead, the financial executives are decidedly bullish on Latin America. Among emerging markets, they favor it over Asia by 46% to 32%.

GDP Forecast
(Annual % change ) 1999 1998
North America
U.S. 2.0 3.7
Canada 1.8 2.9
Mexico 3.0 4.9
France 2.1 2.9
Germany 1.8 2.9
United Kingdom 1.0 2.7
China 7.0 6.8
Indonesia -3.4 -13.1
Japan -1.6 -2.7
South Korea -2.0 -7.0
Malaysia -0.9 -6.2
Philippines 1.3 0.3
Singapore -1.0 1.2
Taiwan 3.5 4.0
Thailand -2.4 -9.6
South America
Argentina 2.1 4.3
Brazil -1.5 0.2
Chile 1.5 4.3
East Europe and Russia
Czech Republic 0.7 -1.0
Hungary 4.0 5.0
Poland 4.5 5.4
Russia -2.0 -4.0
About the Author

John McClenahen | Former Senior Editor, IndustryWeek

 John S. McClenahen, is an occasional essayist on the Web site of IndustryWeek, the executive management publication from which he retired in 2006. He began his journalism career as a broadcast journalist at Westinghouse Broadcasting’s KYW in Cleveland, Ohio. In May 1967, he joined Penton Media Inc. in Cleveland and in September 1967 was transferred to Washington, DC, the base from which for nearly 40 years he wrote primarily about national and international economics and politics, and corporate social responsibility.
      McClenahen, a native of Ohio now residing in Maryland, is an award-winning writer and photographer. He is the author of three books of poetry, most recently An Unexpected Poet (2013), and several books of photographs, including Black, White, and Shades of Grey (2014). He also is the author of a children’s book, Henry at His Beach (2014).
      His photograph “Provincetown: Fog Rising 2004” was selected for the Smithsonian Institution’s 2011 juried exhibition Artists at Work and displayed in the S. Dillon Ripley Center at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., from June until October 2011. Five of his photographs are in the collection of St. Lawrence University and displayed on campus in Canton, New York.
      John McClenahen’s essay “Incorporating America: Whitman in Context” was designated one of the five best works published in The Journal of Graduate Liberal Studies during the twelve-year editorship of R. Barry Leavis of Rollins College. John McClenahen’s several journalism prizes include the coveted Jesse H. Neal Award. He also is the author of the commemorative poem “Upon 50 Years,” celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Wolfson College Cambridge, and appearing in “The Wolfson Review.”
      John McClenahen received a B.A. (English with a minor in government) from St. Lawrence University, an M.A., (English) from Western Reserve University, and a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies from Georgetown University, where he also pursued doctoral studies. At St. Lawrence University, he was elected to academic honor societies in English and government and to Omicron Delta Kappa, the University’s highest undergraduate honor. John McClenahen was a participant in the 32nd Annual Wharton Seminars for Journalists at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. During the Easter Term of the 1986 academic year, John McClenahen was the first American to hold a prestigious Press Fellowship at Wolfson College, Cambridge, in the United Kingdom.
      John McClenahen has served on the Editorial Board of Confluence: The Journal of Graduate Liberal Studies and was co-founder and first editor of Liberal Studies at Georgetown. He has been a volunteer researcher on the William Steinway Diary Project at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., and has been an assistant professorial lecturer at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C.


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