With manufacturing heading into what many say is the 4th industrial revolution, manufacturing leaders are rushing to reinvent their businesses. The myriad challenges they face can seem endless, demanding excellence in any number of functional leadership areas.
But two stand out: Technology and Talent.
IndustryWeek is taking on the challenge of helping manufacturing leaders identify the leading trends, ideas, strategies and best practices within these two areas. We're doubling down with a deeper commitment to covering how companies develop and deploy talent and technology to achieve revolutionary leadership practices, business models, production systems, and products.
As part of that coverage, we've created a new awards program, the IW Industry Excellence Awards, which recognizes leaders who are at the forefront of technology and talent transformation.
We'll also recognize an industry executive who has done a masterful job in steering a course through a lifetime of leadership that both influences others and positions his or her company for future success.
Together with the IndustryWeek Best Plants Award program, these new corporate-level award winners exemplify what it means—and what it takes—to be a world-class manufacturer.
Introducing the 2016 Inaugural IndustryWeek Industry Excellence Award Recipients
With Bob’s dedication to executing and communicating Truly Human Leadership, through example and outreach to the business community via his books, speaking engagements, and university, he is setting the standard for how to leverage talent to succeed as a U.S. manufacturing business.
Each winner will be recognized at our annual event, the IndustryWeek Manufacturing & Technology Conference and Expo, which will be held May 3-5, 2016, at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, in Rosemont, Ill.
Look for profiles of each award winner next week at www.iw.com.