IndustryWeek R&D Stars Archive

Dec. 21, 2004

AAbeles, Robert H., Brandeis University, 1995 Adams, Douglas A., Purdue University, 2002 Adler, Sharon, IBM Corp.'s Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 1999 Aggarwal, Alok, IBM Corp.'s India Solutions Research Center, 1997 Akeel, Hadi A., FANUC Robotics North America Inc., 1997 Alcock, Charles R., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1997 Allen, Antonette C., Oncormed Inc., 1998 Alvares, Christopher P., Oncormed Inc., 1998 Andreessen, Mark, Netscape Communications Corp., 1994 Andresen, Peter L., General Electric Co.'s R&D Center, 1996 Anthony, Thomas R., General Electric Co.'s R&D Center, 1994, 1997 Armstrong, Clay, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 1999 Ashoori, Ray, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993 Atkinson, Bill, Eastman Kodak Co., 1995

Bailye, John E., Dendrite International Inc., 1993
Baker, Kenneth R., General Motors Research & Development Center, 1996
Bakoglu, Brian, Sony Corp. of America, 1995
Bani-Hashemi, Ali R., Siemens Corporate Research, 1997
Bao, Zhenan, Lucent Technologies Inc.'s Bell Labs, 2001
Barron, Eric, Pennsylvania State University, 1993
Barton, Jacqueline K., California Institute of Technology, 1998
Baylis, Trevor, inventor, 2001
Bennett, Charles H., IBM Corp.'s Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 1998
Berglund, Anders, IBM Corp.'s Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 1999
Birndorf, Howard C., Nanogen Inc., 1996
Blattner, Fredrick, University of Wisconsin, 1997
Blumberg, Baruch S., NASA's Astrobiology Institute, 2000
Bolander, William J., General Motors Corp., 1995
Booch, Grady, IBM Corp., 2003
Borcherds, Richard E., University of California, Berkeley, 1999
Borg, Anita, Office of the Chief Technologist, Xerox Corp.'s Palo Alto Research Center, 1998
Boyer, Herbert W., Genentech Inc., 1996
Brand, Matthew, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, 2000
Brenner, Sydney, Molecular Sciences Institute, 2000
Bricklin, Dan, Trellix Corp., 1998
Brinker, Jeffrey, Sandia National Laboratories, 2002
Brock, Richard T., Brock Control Systems Inc., 1993
Brooks, Rodney A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002
Brown , John Seeley, Xerox Corp., 1993
Burkholder, JoAnn M., North Carolina State University, 1997
Burley, Stephen K., Structural GenomiX Inc., 2002
Burrows, Paul, Center for Photonics & Optoelectronic Materials, Princeton University, 1998
Bruschi, Howard J., Westinghouse Evergy Systems' Advanced Technology Div., 1993
Butler, John M., National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2002

Cahill, Mike, ELTECH International Corp., 1994
Capasso, Federico, Lucent Technologies Inc.'s Bell Labs, 1999
Capecchi, Mario R., University of Utah, 1999
Carlisle, Brian R., Adept Technology Inc., 1995
Carpenter, Loren, Pixar Animation Studios, 2001
Carter, Joe K., Andersen Consultation Center for Strategic Technology, 1993
Catmull, Ed, Pixar Animation Studios, 2001
Cech, Thomas R., University of Colorado, 1999
Cerf, Vinton G., MCI Communications Corp., 1994
Chambon, Pierre, Institute of Genetics & Molecular & Cellular Biology, 1998
Chang, Hsuan (Shane), General Electric Co.'s R&D Center, 1996
Chang, Yoon, Argonne National Laboratory, 1997
Chau, Robert S., Intel Corp., 2003
Chew, Dave, Kinetico Inc., 1997
Chiariglione, Leonardo, Telecom Italia, 1999
Chopra, Harsh Deep, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2002
Chum, Pak-Wing S., Dow Chemical Co., 1994
Chuang, Isaac, IBM Corp.'s Almaden Research Center, 2001
Civin, Curt, Johns Hopkins University, 2000
Cline, Harvey E., General Electric Research & Development Center, 1998
Cloutier, Robert, Eastman Kodak Co., 1996
Coffey, Dave, Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, 1995
Cohen, Stanley, Stanford University, 1996
Coleman, Debi, Merix Corp., 1995
Collins, Francis S., National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, 1998
Colwell, Rita R., National Science Foundation, 1999
Conwell, Esher M., Xerox Corp., 1993
Cook, Rob, Pixar Animation Studio, 2001
Cordon-Cardo, Carlos, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1999
Cornell, Eric, University of Colorado, 1995
Costanza, John R., JIT Institute of Technology, 1994
Cox, Alan, Linus programmer, 2001
Crawford, John, Intel Corp., 1993
Critz, Brenda S., Oncormed Inc., 1998
Csipkes, Andrew, Lucent Technologies, 1996
Culler, David, University of California, Berkeley, 2003
Cunningham, Adam, Ford Motor Co., 1993

Daggatt, Russell, Teledesic Corp., 1996
Dahlgren, Kathleen, InQuizit Technologies, 1998
Dally, William J., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994
Damadian, Raymond, Fonar Corp., 2001
Danyluk, Steven, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2003
Datta, Rathin, Argonne National Laboratory, 1998
Davori, Bijan, IBM Corp. Watson, 1996
Davis, James W., IBM PC Co. Technical center, 1993
Deep Blue, IBM Corp., 1997
DeRoos, Bradley G., Battelle Memorial Institute, 1993
Dertouzos, Michael, MIT Computer Lab, 1997
Deutsch, David, Oxford University, 1997
DiFilippo, Frank, Picker International Inc., 1997
Ditto, William, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995
Donovan, John J., Cambridge Technology Group, 1994
Dordick, Jonathan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2001
Dougles, Melissa, Sandia National Labs, 2000
Dresselhaus, Mildred, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996
Duke, Charles B., Xerox Corp., 1993
Dumoulin, Charles L., General Electric Co. R&D Center, 1993
Dvorsky, James, Battelle Memorial Institute, 1993
Dyson, Esther, Edventure Holdings, 1997

Edelheit, Lewis, General Electric Research & Development Center, 1994
Ehrenberg, Marcam Corp., 1996
Ehrlich, Paul, Stanford University, 2000
Eigler, Don, IBM corp., Almaden Research Center, 1996
Eisenhaure, David B., SatCon Technology Corp., 1994
Eley, Michael, University of Alabama, 1994
Ellison, Larry, Oracle Systems Corp., 1994
Engelbart, Bootstrap Institute, 1997
English, George J., Osram Sylvania Inc., 1997
Estrin, Judith, Packet Design LLC, 2001
Ewald, Paul W., Amherst College, 2001
Ewing, Marc, Red Hat Software Inc., 1999

Faig, Harold J., Cincinnati Milacron Inc., 1994
Feldman, David, ZF Micro Devices Inc., 2001
Ferry, David K., Arizona State University, 1999
Fert, Albert, Universite de Paris Sud, 1998
Fisher, Mathwe P. A., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1995
Flannery, M. Raymond, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002
Fleischer, James F., General Electric Co. R&D Center, 1994
Fleming, Jim, Sandia National Laboratories, 1998
Flytzani-Stephanopoulos, Maria, Tufts University, 2003
Fogarty, Thomas, Stanford University Medical Center, 2000
Ford, F. Peter, General Electric Research & Development Center, 1995
Forrest, Stephen, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, 1998
Fraley, Robert T., Monsanto Co., 1999
Fromherz, Peter, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, 1995
Furchgott, Robert, State University of New York, Brooklyn, 1998

Gabriel, Richard P., Sun Microsystems Inc., 2002
Garlick, Lawrence L., Remedy Corp., 1996
Garroway, Allen, Naval Research Laboratory, 1995
Gassee, Jean-Louis, Be Inc., 1995
Gavit, Sarah A., NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1999
Gelernter, David, Yale University, 2000
Gelsinger, Patrick, Intel Corp., 1993
Gershman, Anatole, Andersen Consulting, 2000
Gigliotti, Michael F.X., General Electric Co.'s R&D Center, 1999
Gellespie, John W. Jr, University of Delaware Center for Composite Materials, 2000
Gilman, Paul S., Materials Research Corp., 1997
Gilmore, John, Electronic Frontier Foundation, 1998
Giralt, Georges, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Girod, Bernd, Stanford University, 2002
Glicksman, Martin E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2001
Goodfellow, Peter, SmithKline Beecham Corp., 1997
Goodnight, James H., SAS Institute Inc., 1997
Gosling, James, Sun Microsystems Inc., 1996
Graf, Friedrich, Siemens AG, 1996
Gray, James N., Microsoft Research, 1999
Greene, Brian, Columbia University, 2000
Greif, Irene, Lotus Development Corp. 2000
Greiner, Helen, iRobot Corp, 2000
Griscom, David L., Naval Research Laboratory, 1995
Gross, Karl, Sandia National Laboratories, 2002
Gruenburg, Peter, German National Physics Laboratory, 1998
Guddati, Subbarao, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1995
Gyugyi, Laszlo, Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, 1995

Hall, Jerry, George Washington University, 1993
Haller, John, MapInfo Corp., 1995
Haney, William M., Molten Metal Technology Inc., 1996
Hannah, Marc, Silicon Graphics Inc., 1995
Hanratty, Patrick J., Manufacturing & Consulting Services Inc., 1997
Hartwell, Leland, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 2000
Haseltine, William A., Human Genome Sciences Inc., 1999
Hausheer, Fred, BioNumerik Pharmaceuticals Inc., 1997
Hawkins, Jeff, Handspring Inc., 1999
Hawley, Michael, MIT Media Lab, 1997
Heafitz, Andrew, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002
Heath, James, University of California, 2000
Hedrick, Jeffrey C., IBM Corp., Watson Research Center, 1994
Hennessy, John L., Stanford University, 2000
Hetherington, Joseph, Hetherington Industries Inc., 1993
Hewitt, Jacqueline N., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1995
Higgins, Frank M. (Pete) II, Microsoft Corp., 1993
Hille, Bertil, University of Washington, 1999
Hillis, Danny, Thinking Machines Corp., 1993
Hirshtick, Jon, SolidWorks Corp., 1997
Ho, Nancy, Purdue University, 1998
Hockaday, Robert, Energy Related Devices Inc., 1999
Hoffman, Darleane C., University of California, 2000
Hooft, Gerardus 't, University of Utrecht, 1999
Hood, Leroy, Institute for Systems Biology, 2001
Hornbeck, Larry, Texas Instruments Inc., 1995
Horsch, Robert B., Monsanto Co., 1999
Howell, Larry J., General Motors Research & Development Center, 1993
Hsu, Feng-Hsiung, IBM Corp., 1997
Hua, Susan, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2002
Huang, Yong, Excellin Life Sciences, 2003
Hudson, Katherine, Eastman Kodak Co. (now with W.H. Brady Co.), 1993
Hull, John R., Argonne National Laboratory, 1995
Hughes, Thomas J. R., Centric Engineering Systems Inc., 1993
Hughes, Thomas J.R., Stanford University, 1995
Hull, Charles W., 3D Systems Corp., 1997
Huygen, Christian, Sirius Publishing Inc., 1995
Hwang, Jennie, H-Technologies Group Inc., 2000
Hynes, Richard O., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997

Ignarro, Louis, University of California at Los Angeles, 1998

Jabbour, Ghassan E., University of Arizona, 2001
Jackovitz, John, Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, 1995
Jackson, Shirley Ann, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1999
Jaworski, Ernest G., Monsanto Co., 1999
Jin, Deborah, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2003
Johnson, David, Bell Labs Metallurgy and Ceramics Research Dept., 2000
Johnson, Kristina M., Duke University, 2003
Johnson, Marvin M., Phillips Petroleum Co., 1994
Jones, Capers, Productivity Research, 1994
Jones, Reese M., Farallon Inc., 1993
Joy, Bill, Sun Microsystems, Inc., 1996

Kahn, Philippe, Starfish Software Inc., 1998
Kahn, Robert E., Corp. for National Research Initiatives, 1996
Kamen, Dean, DEKA Research & Development Inc., 1993
Kanade, Takeo, Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
Kao, Charles Kuen, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996
Kare, Susan, graphic designer, 1996
Kazarinov, Rudolf, Lucent Technologies Inc.'s Bell Labs, 1999
Kerns, Sherra E., Vanderbilt University, 1995
Ketterle, Wolfgang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996
Kiessling, Laura L., University of Wisconsin, 1999
Kim, Hyong S., Carnegie Mellon University, 1995
Kingery, W. David, University of Arizona, 1999
Kirsh, Steve, Propel Corp., 2000
Knight, George W., Dow Chemical Co., 1994
Knowles, Jeremy, Harvard University, 1995
Kocher, Paul, Cryptography Research Inc., 1998
Koskinen, John A., President's Council on the Year 2000, 1998
Kosko, Bart, University of Southern California, 1996
Kotfila, Ronald, Honeywell Inc., 1994
Kovac, Caroline, IBM Life Sciences, 2002
Kryder, Mark H., Carnegie Mellon University, 1995
Kuekes, Philip J., Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, 2001
Kumar, Krishna, Tufts University, 2003
Kumar, Sanjay, Computer Associates International, 1993
Kunzmann, Horst, Physicalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, 1996
Kurzweil, Ray, Kurzweil Applied Intelligence Inc., 1999

Lai, Shih-Yaw, Dow Chemical Co., 1994
Lander, Eric, Whitehead/MIT Center for Genome Research, 1997
Landman, Uzi, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995
Langer, Robert S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998
Lanier, Jaron, 1999
Laskaris, E. Trifon, General Electric Co.'s R&D Center, 1999
Laughlin, Robert B., Stanford University, 1998
Levine, Arnold J., Rockefeller University, 1998
Lewis, Kari A., NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1999
Liberman, Irv, Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, 1993
Lichtenhan, Joseph, Phillips Laboratory Propulsion Directorate, 1997
Lin, Eric K., National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2002
Lin Mow, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2002
Lin, Shawn, Sandia National Laboratories, 1998
Lisanti, Michael, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994
Lister, Gary, Robins Air Force Base, 1993
Liu, Yung S., General Electric Research & Development Center, 1998
Lopker, Pamela Meyer, QAD Inc., 1998
Lorensen, William E., General Electric Co. R&D Center, 1993
Lovell-Badge, Robin H., MRC National Institute for Medical Research, 1997
Luby, Michael, Digital Fountain Inc., 2001

Ma, David C., Argonne National Laboratory, 1995
MacChesney, John, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Inc., 2000
MacKinnon, Roderick, Rockefeller University, 1999
Madden, Paul, Avid Technology Inc., 1995
Maes, Pattie, MIT Media Lab, 1999
Main, John, University of Kentucky, 2000
Major, Drew, Novell Inc., 1998
Makuch, William M., General Electric Co. R&D Center, 1993
Malkin, Stephen, University of Massachusetts, 1996
Mann, Steve, University of Toronto, 2000
Manzi, Jim, Lotus Development Corp. (left after IBM acquired), 1993
Matthews, Al, Microunity Systems Engineering, 1994
Matyjaszewski, Krzystof, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001
Mazzola, John, EDS Unigraphics, 1995
McLurkin, James, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003
McCracken, Edward R., Silicon Graphics Inc., 1995
McEwan, Thomas E., TEM Innovations, 1997
McGinniss, Vince, Battelle Memorial Institute, 1997
Mead, Carver, California Institute of Technology, 2003
Meindl, James D., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2001
Meng, Hong, Lucent Technologies Inc.'s Bell Labs, 2001
Meyerson, Bernard S., IBM Corp.'s Watson Research Center, 1999
Moussouris, John, Microunity Systems Engineering, 1994
Murad, Ferid, University of Texas Medical School, 1998
Murari, Bruno, STMicroelectronics' Castelleto Research & Development Laboratories, 1998
Murphy, Patricia D., Oncormed Inc., 1998

Nagel, Christopher J., Molten Metal Technology Inc., 1996
Nakamura, Shuji, Nichia Chemical Industries, 1996
Naughton, Gail K., Advanced Tissue Sciences Inc., 2000
Negroponte, Nicholas, MIT Media Lab, 1993
Nelson, Ted, Keio University, 1998
Ng, Yee Jack, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2001
Nie, Bing, University of Massachusetts, 1996
Niksa, Marilyn, Electrode Corp., Chardon, 1993

Olson, Sheri J., Oncormed Inc., 1998
Ozkan, Umit S., The Ohio State University, 1996
Ozzie, Ray, IRIS Associates, 1993

Packard, Norman, physicist, 1996
Page, David C., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
Pandis, Spyros, Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
Parella, Michael J., Noise Cancellation Technologies Inc., 1993
Parkin, Stuart S., IBM Corp.'s Almaden Research Center, 1998
Partlow, Bill, Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, 1995
Pascale, Michael V., Westinghouse Electric Corp. Design & Producibility Div., 1994
Patrick, John R., IBM Corp., 2001
Patterson, David A., University of California, Berkeley, 1993
Payne, Steve, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1998
Pavelle, Richard, Invent Resources, 1996
Penry, Deborah L., University of California, Berkeley, 1993
Pentland, Alex P., MIT Media Lab, 1999
Perna, Janet, IBM Data Management Solutions, 2001
Peter, Frank, Sandia National Laboratories, 1998
Petrovic, John, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1994
Phillips, William D., National Institute of Standards & Technology, 1997
Pieper, Steven C., Argonne National Laboratory, 1997
Pines, Alex, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1994
Pister, Kris, University of California, Berkeley, 2003
Piteo, Joseph W., Adra Systems Inc., 1994
Plattner, Hasso, SAP America Inc., 1994
Polese, Kim, Marimba Inc., 1996
Porco, Carolyn C. University of Arizona, 1999
Pratt, David, University of Pittsburgh, 2001
Prusiner, Stanley B., University of California at San Francisco, 1997
Ptashne, Mark, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1998


Rabinowitz, Alan R., Wildlife Conservation Society, 2000
Rajca, Andrzej, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2002
Raman, T.V., Adobe Systems Inc., 1997
Raven, Peter, Missouri Botanical Garden and Washington University, 1998
Rao, Vivek, Rann International Corp., 1997
Rashid, Minuddin Sirdar, General Motors Corp., 1993
Rattner, Justin, Intel Corp., 1993
Rhodes, Charles K., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1994
Ritchie, Dennis M., Lucent Technologies Inc.'s Bell Labs, 1999
Rogers, Stephen G, Monsanto Co., 1999
Rogler, Wolfgang, Siemens AG, 1996
Rosenzweig, Ron, Anadigics Inc., 1994
Roses, Allen, Glaxo Wellcome PLC, 1997
Rotello, Vincent, University of Massachusetts, 1996
Rowe, Brian H., General Electric Aircraft Engines, 1994
Rubin, Howard, Hunter College of City University of New York, 1997
Ruoslahti, Erkki, Burman Institute, 1997
Rubinsky, University of California, Berkeley, 2003
Rus, Daniela, Dartmouth College, 2002

Saal, Harry, Smart Valley Inc., 1994
Sandstrom, Perry, Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics, 2002
Sanford, Linda, S/390 Div., IBM Corp., 1998
Schauder, Colin, Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, 1993
Schank, Roger C., Northwestern University, 1993
Schifman, Edward J., Interconnect Devices Inc., 1994
Schofield, Kenneth, Donnelly Corp., 1993
Schon, Hendrik, Lucent Technologies Inc.'s Bell Labs, 2001
Schwartz, Joel, Harvard School of Public Health, 1998
Schwartz, Steven, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001
Scully, Marlan, Texas A&M University 2003
Sebestyen, George, CTA Inc., CTA Space Systems, 1994
Seiden, Philip, IBM Corp. Watson Research Center, 1993
Selinger, Patricia G., IBM Corp.'s Database Technology Center, 1994
Selker, Ted, IBM Corp. Almaden Research Center, 1996
Selman, J. Robert, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1994
Sevick-Muraca, Eva, Purdue University, 1996
Shahidehpour, Mohammad, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1994
Shamir, Adi, Weizmann Institute of Science, 1999
Sharp, Phillip, MIT, 1999
Sheldon, Paul C., Giddings & Lewis Inc., 1994
Shneiderman, Ben, University of Maryland, 1999
Shor, Peter, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 1994
Shrikumar, H., University of Massachusetts, 1999
Singh, Narsingh, Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, 1995
Sinha, Sunil K., Argonne National Laboratory, 1997
Smith, Megan, General Magic, 1993
Smith, Rodney, IBM Corp., 2003
Smither, Robert K., Argonne National Laboratory, 1996
Smotkin, Eugene, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1994
Smrekar, Suzanne E., NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1999
Solomon, Darlene, Agilent Laboratories, 2001
Stabler, Edward Jr., InQuizit Technologies and UCLA, 1998
Steele, Charles, Stanford University, 1995
Stevens, James C., Dow Chemical C., 1994
Stewart, Al, Westinghouse Science & Technology, 1994
Stormer, Horst L., Lucent Technologies Inc., 1998
Suchman, Lucy A., Xerox Corp.'s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), 1998
Sutliff, John A., General Electric Research & Development Center, 1997
Swanson, John, Swanson Analysis Systems Inc., 1994
Sweldens, Wim, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, 2000
Swinney, Harry L., University of Texas, 1996

Tackach, George A. Jr., The Parvus Corp., 1993
Tanaka, Koichi, Shimadzu Corp., 2002
Taylor-Smith, Ralph, Bell Labs, Lucent Techonolgies Inc., 2000
Tetu, Bernard, Berclain, 1995
Thompson, David A., IBM Corp. Almaden Research Center, 1996
Thompson, Kenneth L., Lucent Technologies Inc.'s Bell Labs, 1999
Thompson, Malcolm, dpiX, 1996
Thompson, Mark, University of Southern California, 1998
Thornton, Harold C. Jr., R&D Solutions, 1993
Thurber, Denise Schelter, Oncormed Inc., 1998
Tilghman, Shirley M., Princeton University, 2001
Tirumalai, Arun P., Siemens Medical Systems' Ultrasound Group, 1997
Torvalds, Linus, Transmeta Corp., 1999
Traub, Roger, IBM Corp. Watson Research Ctr., 1995
Tsai, Stephen Wei- Tun, Stanford University, 1995
Tsourikov, Valery M., Invention Machine Corp., 1999
Tsui, Daniel C., Princeton University, 1998
Tsuneyoshi, Tadao, Timken Co., 1995
Tummala, Rao, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1994


Veltman, Martinus J.G., University of Michigan, 1999
Venkatasubramanian, Venkat, Purdue University, 1996
Venter, J. Craig, Celera Genomics, 1999
Vescovi, Angelo L., National Neurological Institute, 1999
Vestergaard Hau, Lene, Rowland Institute/Harvard Univ., 1999
Venneri, Samuel L., National Aeronautics & Space Administration, 1997
Vogelstein, Bert, Johns Hopkins University, 2002
Vogt, Marguerite, Salk Institute, 2001
Von Gentzkow, Wolfgang, Siemens AG, 1996

Waitt, Ted, Gateway 2000 Inc., 1995
Wang, Charles B., Computer Asssociates International Inc., 1994
Warner, William J., Wildfire Communications Inc., 1994
Wash, Michael, Eastman Kodak Co., 1996
Weiser, Mark, Xerox PARC, 1996
Weiss, Ken, Security Dynamics Inc., 1995
Weiss, Mitchell, PRI Automation Inc., 1995
Weng, Lee, Siemens Medical Systems' Ultrasound Group, 1997
White, Robert M., Carnegie Mellon University, 2003
Whitfield, Arthur, Eastman Kodak Co., 1996
Wieman, Carl, University of Colorado, 1995
Williams, R. Stanley, Hewlett-Packard Co., 2000
Wilson, James W.A., General Electric Co. R&D Center, 1997
Wilson, Edward, Neural Applications Corp., 1996
Wilson , John R., Dow Chemical Co., 1994
Winner, Stephanie, Apple Computer Corp., 1993
Wipf, Peter, University of Pittsburgh, 1997
Wittry, David B., University of Southern California, 1995
Wolfram, Stephen, Wolfram Research Institute, 1996
Worden, James, Solectria Corp., 1993


Yeo, Dennis, MultiGen Inc., 1995
Yeung, Minerva M., Intel Corp., 2002
Yong, Alan, Dauphin Technology Inc., 1993
Yurek, Gregory J., American Superconductor Corp., 1994

Zeng, Bin, Oncormed Inc., 1998
Zewail, Ahmend H., California Institute of Technology, 1997
Zhang, Shuguang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001

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