On October 4, 2019, the doors to many manufacturing plants are flung open wide enough to let in all of the students who want to see first-hand what it would be like to work in the industry.
While Mfg. Day is a celebration of what 12 million people around the United States experience every day—pride at working in manufacturing -- it has been an opportunity for the past seven years to entice future workers into the field. Those workers are desperately needed as predictions are that over the next ten years, nearly 3.5 million manufacturing jobs will likely be needed, and 2 million are expected to go unfilled due to the skills gap.
Studies have shown that the more students and parents know about the inner workings of the field, the more they consider it a career choice.
When spreading the word about the field here are some facts to keep in mind.
- Taken alone, manufacturing in the U.S. would be the ninth-largest economy in the world.
- For every $1.00 spent in manufacturing, another $1.89 is added to the economy.
- In 2016, the average manufacturing worker in the United States earned $82,023 annually, including pay and benefits.
- Manufacturers have one of the highest percentages of workers who are eligible for health benefits provided by their employer.
- Manufacturers in the United States perform more than three-quarters of all private-sector research and development (R&D) in the nation, driving more innovation than any other sector.
Here is a look at what companies across the country are doing to celebrate Mfg. Day.