

A Roadmap to Expanding Your Manufacturing Talent Pipeline

Jan. 23, 2024
With an estimated 4 million manufacturing jobs needing to be filled by 2030, and the current manufacturing workforce turning over at a high rate as Baby Boomers age out, you will...

Leveraging Universities to Solve Your High-Tech Challenges

Jan. 19, 2024
All manufacturers at some point face challenges beyond their scope of knowledge and experience. This is especially true for your technological capabilities; you can’t possibly...

Mapping Your Supply Chains Helps Prioritize Risks, Actions

Jan. 8, 2024
As a manufacturer you understand that supply chain disruptions happen all the time. What you don’t know is when or how they will impact your operation and business. But ...

Lessons Learned From Tech Adoption Efforts in Oklahoma

Nov. 30, 2023
MEP National Network discusses automation and technology in manufacturing
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AI in the Supply Chain

Oct. 27, 2023
Using AI to Improve Your Sales & Operation Planning
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What Smaller Manufacturers Really Need to Know About ERPs

May 6, 2022
Many small and medium-sized manufacturers still use spreadsheets and manual tracking to manage their business. They know automated systems exist, but they have prioritized other...
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How Small Manufacturers Can Future-Proof Their Supply Chains

April 12, 2022
The legacy focus on low, per-unit cost of production that led to offshoring continues to haunt U.S. manufacturers through a cascading series of supply chain disruptions – shortages...
Nst 21426 Industry Week Article

Solving Workforce Challenges through Advanced Technology

Dec. 1, 2021
While there are no magic pills to fix the manufacturing labor shortage, there is a path to attract and retain a more tech-savvy workforce. That path includes having a more employee...
Nst 21421 Industry Week Article

How Small Manufacturers Can Develop Risk Management Strategies for Supply Chains

Nov. 12, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light a stark reality about current supply chains. As Nissan Motor Co.’s Chief Operating Officer Ashwani Gupta points out, “The just-in-time model...