As part of the Jaguar Tradelane Project to provide real-time location information and security alerts for shipping containers packed with replacement parts, Jaguar and its logistics partner, Unipart Logistics, will use sensors and ISO-standard active RFID tags by Savi Newtorks on shipping containers at the Port of New York/New Jersey and the Port of Oakland in California. The tags will track inbound Jaguar shipments, reports RFID Update.
"As you can imagine for an automotive company, Jaguar's supply chain is very sophisticated," said Lani Fritts, chief operating officer of Savi Networks. "They already get shipping data by EDI. They'll use active tags on containers to provide security, get location information and automate some of the data feeds they're getting now. They're looking for ways to supplement their existing data and make it easier to collect and analyze."
Unipart and Savi Networks will monitor the location, security status and condition of cargo container shipments when they pass by readers at factories, ports, distribution facilities and other key supply chain nodes.
"Supply chains are more and more competitive, and it's especially important for automotive companies to find new ways to compete," said Fritts. "The adoption cycle of RFID technologies is accelerating. I see it as a continuation of the ongoing process in the automotive industry. There was total quality management, then Six Sigma. RFID is part of the continuous improvement process."
The Jaguar Tradelane Project tracks RFID-tagged containers filled with automobile parts from inland warehouse and distribution centers to the United Kingdom's Port of Felixstowe. The containers are tracked when they arrive in the U.S. at two destination ports: the Port of New York/New Jersey and the Port of Oakland in California.
The SaviTrak captures data from all types of standards-based Automatic Identification and Data Collection devices, including bar codes, sensors, passive and active RFID and GPS satellite location systems. The information service generates real-time reports and exception-based alerts to each customer, including routes, missed shipments, or environmental conditions.
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