L3I employs six people with an annual average wage of more than $70,000. The move to Stuart positions the company to hire 33 additional employees over three years at an average annual wage of $58,000, according to the Business Development Board of Martin County.
The company is expected to invest up to $900,000 in taxable property improvements, furniture, fixtures and advanced digital measurement and inspection equipment, according to the business development board.
The business advantages of expanding to Martin County were numerous, and include the new pro-business stance of the [Business Development Board] and County Commission, said Bill Greene, L3Is founding director and VP of business development. These preferential advantages also include being closer to many of our aerospace and precision manufacturing clients, being more convenient for some of our employees who already live in or want to move to Martin County, and the economic advantages of lower costs of doing business. Additionally, we are a very green company, being literally and completely paperless, and we found a solar-powered office facility to further enhance our environmental interests.
L3Is measurement and inspection technologies produce the most comprehensive and highly accurate dimensional quality inspection reports for demanding requirements in turbine engine, aerospace, biomedical and other industries, according to the company.
There is a good talent base of prospective employees to support our growth in Martin County, said Scott McAfee, L3Is founding director and VP of engineering services. With our organizational expansion and need for both digital competency and precision manufacturing engineering proficiency, we have found Martin County a good resource base, and a good place to invite people to relocate to.
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