Ford Motor Company issued a report on Dec. 20 that provides specific actions and strategies that they will pursue to address the issues of climate change, carbon dioxide emissions and global energy concerns. The strategy involves reducing both gas ...
Ford Motor Company issued a report on Dec. 20 that provides specific actions and strategies that they will pursue to address the issues of climate change, carbon dioxide emissions and global energy concerns. The strategy involves reducing both gas emissions and energy use in company operations; marketing lower-greenhouse gas-emission products and working with partners, oil companies and policy makers to reduce emissions.
"Climate change and energy security affect our operations, our customers, our investors and our communities," said Niel Golightly, director, Sustainable Business Strategies. "This report is a snap shot of work we've been doing for over five years. And it points to where we're going. It challenges some assumptions about what our industry can do by itself; but it also suggests some paths toward collaborative solutions that make economic sense."
Some specific steps that Ford has committed to making include:
Producing up to 250,000 hybrid vehicles annually by 2010.
Expanding the production of flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs) which can use blends of up to 85%.
Committing to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from its North American plants by 6% by 2010 as part of the Chicago Climate Exchange.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 5% over five years in Ford plants subject to the UK Emissions Trading Scheme.
Offsetting the CO2 emitted from the production of its hybrid vehicles -- beginning with the Ford Escape Hybrid. For every ton of carbon emitted in the creation of the vehicle, the company will purchase an offset.