Forget Leveling The Field
Re "Just In Time -- How Level Is Your Playing Field?" November 2006. Just for the record, neither I nor any other manufacturer or retailer is really interested in leveling the playing field. I want one slanted in my favor, and therein resides the problem. The government cannot level it or slant it for all of us with out harming someone.
[Economist Jeremy] Leonard's point is well made regarding manufacturing-friendly legislation, and the examples you cite are compatible with the good principle of government not doing for any individual or group what it can not do for all. This should be the smell test for all legislation and creation of additional bureaucracy.
On the other hand, our industry associations would do well to consider investing some of their resources in producing infomercials showing abandoned factories covered with weeds and at the same time listing the total impact that the factory had on the local community and or region. The public may not be so consumed by the lure of the "always low price" when they are made aware of the impact capital investment has had upon their communities and are brought to understand that wealth is created by adding value to raw materials, not by buying and selling foreign goods. They need to understand that as our trade deficit continues to grow, we are exporting jobs. I think educating the American public would be much more effective than fly-ins to Washington, D.C.
Jory Gromer, GM
Green Bay Packaging Inc.
Chickasha, Okla.
Attendant Fights Back
Re "Brandt On Leadership -- Leaky, Sneaky And Cheeky," November 2006.
First of all, thank you for flying US Airways. We do appreciate your business. I am curious as to what time of day your flight was taken. If you were on a redeye flight, there is no food offered. The meal flights end after 1900 hours. There still should have been pretzels onboard no matter what flight. I am sorry that for some reason your itinerary did not make that clear.
As for the commercials? We flight attendants hate the constant promotions, but I must argue the flight attendants promoting the Visa card. Bank of America gives the flight attendants $50 for every card approved. In a time where we have seen our paychecks shrink (has your paycheck shrunk 10 years straight?) the extra money has helped. Of course there is a good way and a bad way to promote.
You seem like a man who travels a lot. Advice: Bring your own food. Customers complained when we gave everything out for free. It's funny that they do less complaining with less, except for a few customers as yourself. If you are ever on a flight and you see an "NC" button on my serving garment, say hi. That will be me and I'll try to make it up to you.
Christopher Taylor
US Airways F/A
Charlotte, N.C.