Industry Group Says 'Buy America' Provisions Are Necessary for U.S. Jobs

Jan. 27, 2010
The Alliance for American Manufacturing cites evidence that 'Buy America' campaign is working.

A new report published by the Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) documents the Buy America provisions in last year's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

"We see clear evidence that Buy America is working to create jobs in the U.S.," said AAM Executive Director Scott Paul. "It would be foolish to dilute or eliminate Buy America rules at such a critical time for our workers and economy. The wind farms, bridges, and new schools of America should be made in America. We urge Congress to incorporate strong Buy America rules to ensure that tax dollars are invested in communities all over our nation."

Buy America provisions ensure that U.S. tax dollars are directed to purchase American-made manufactured goods to the extent permitted under international trade obligations. A strong majority of Americans (84%, according to a 2009 poll) support requirements for American-made materials in all federally funded infrastructure investment.

"We see more success stories emerging from the inclusion of Buy America in the Recovery Act and other federal spending every day," said Paul. "In Oregon, a company is making the first U.S.-made streetcars in 60 years, supporting a supply chain across the nation. In Steelton, Penn. Arcelor Mittal is building rail tracks for Southeastern Pennsylvania. These are important investments that help put Americans back to work and provide long-term benefits for our economy."

Buy America provisions are compliant with existing U.S. trade obligations and have applied to federal procurement for more than 70 years, according to AAM. Such provisions also enjoy broad, bipartisan support, explains the group, citing the recently passed a 'Jobs for Main Street' bill that includes similar Buy America rules while also increasing transparency in the waiver application process.

"We know that voters support Buy America," said Paul. "We also know that Buy America supports U.S. jobs. We want to make sure lawmakers know both of these facts as they consider jobs legislation this year."

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