U.S. Department of Labor Updates Advanced Manufacturing Competency Model
The Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration announced on May 4 the release of an updated version of the Advanced Manufacturing Competency Model.
"Since the release of the original Advanced Manufacturing Competency Model, the skills required of the manufacturing workforce have continued to evolve," said Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment and Training Jane Oates. "ETA and its industry partners have worked to update the model so that it accurately reflects the current skill needs of the manufacturing workforce. This effort includes the recognition that knowledge of sustainable and green processes and technologies are now an important part of the advanced manufacturing skill set."
The original model, released in 2006, was developed to provide a framework of the skills necessary to pursue a successful career in today's high-tech manufacturing workplace. The model since has served as a resource for the development of models in the emerging fields of automation and mechatronics. It has also served as the foundation for the National Association of Manufacturers-Endorsed Manufacturing Skills Certification System and as a framework for developing and enhancing manufacturing education and training programs across the country.
Recognizing that the manufacturing industry's skill requirements are continuously advancing, the department collaborated with leading industry organizations to update the model. The National Association of Manufacturers, the National Council for Advanced Manufacturing and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers took the lead in collecting feedback from their memberships to ensure that the updated model includes the most current processes and practices, and reflects the workforce skill needs of the industry.
To view the updated competency model visit the Competency Model Clearinghouse at http://www.careeronestop.org/competencymodel